We are so proud to be partnering with Make-A-Wish to grant life-changing wishes for children with critical illnesses.
This partnership allows Sugarwishes to be donated to Make-A-Wish to bring hope, joy, and well-deserved sweetness to wish kids throughout their wish journey.
Sugarwish corporate account-holders have the opportunity to allow their gift recipients to choose to donate their gift to Make-A-Wish®. They also have the option to automatically donate any gift that hasn’t been redeemed in 90 days to Make-A-Wish®. Please watch the video below to learn how to ensure your corporate account Make-A-Wish settings are updated to allow donations.
Consumers (non corporate recipients and accounts) can also donate their gift to Make-A-Wish. Simply email our Happiness Squad at support@sugarwish.com and/or chat with us and we’ll make it happen.
When a Sugarwish is donated to Make-a-Wish® by a recipient we will automatically transfer the value of that gift to Make-a-Wish® America’s Sugarwish account that can be used at their discretion.
Every Sugarwish donated brings hope and strength to a wish kid and their family when they need it most.
Thank you for helping grant sweet wishes!